dimarts, 30 d’octubre del 2018

Robin Hood

Avui l'alumnat de Cicle Superior ha gaudit de l'obra de teatre en anglès "Robin Hood" a l'Escorxador. Hem passat un matí divertit i hem practicat l'anglès. Thank you!
Robin Hood on PhotoPeach

dimecres, 24 d’octubre del 2018

School Missions

Avui han vingut a l´escola Frederic Godàs 3 noies de la Universitat de Lleida, per explicar-nos coses i teories en anglès molt interessants sobre Leonardo Da Vinci. Ens han dit que vindran durant tots els dimecres fins al desembre per ajudar-nos amb diferents activitats lúdiques com ara un Powerpoint sobre el personatge que s´ha triat per treballar al projecte Erasmus+ 2018-19. Esperem que tots els nens i nenes de 6è puguem aprendre coses interessants sobre un personatge tant important de la història mundial de l´art i els descobriments de diferent invents.

                          Autors: Miriam Fellah i Rayan Bechlih

 Resultado de imagen de gioconda

dimecres, 17 d’octubre del 2018

La Castanyada

La Castanyada es celebra  el 31 d' octubre a l’escola Frederic Godàs. Els alumnes de 6è s’hauran de vestir com a castanyers i castanyeres . A la castanyada tots els cursos faran danses . Per acabar els alumnes de 6è repartiran castanyes i begudes als  companys i companyes. I els pares i mares amb una parada podran comprar castanyes i begudes.

Fet per: Sarah Ayetan, Kendry Paulino i Marc Del Egido

Resultado de imagen de castañas

dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2018

Fem un debat

L'alumnat de sisè hem preparat un debat en l'àrea de català, la realització d'aquest ha estat un èxit i tant el moderador com els participants en sentim satisfets amb el resultat.

dimecres, 3 d’octubre del 2018


In our time we have: Maths, Catalan Spanish, English, French, Science, P.E projects and Workshops

Our school is involved in many projects.We go off very often.We visit local museums, we go to the Theater, we go on trips, summer camps...

We celebrate tradicional festivals: the chestnut party, Christmas, Saint Anthony, the Peace day, Carnival, Saint George and the Easter.


Our school has got: six kindergartens classrooms, fourteen primary classrooms, one music classroom, 2 small English classrooms, an ICT classroom, a library, a lab, a garden, a dining room, two big playgrounds and basketball courts. The primary building is bigger than the kindergarten it has 2 floors. As you enter you can see the hall with elevator for pupils with special needs.


Our school name is Frederic Godàs. It is a big school with 503 pupils and 33 teachers. The name of Frederic Godàs is due to a famous local pedagogue that in 1906 created an important school called “ Liceu Escolar “. Our school is located in a modern neighborhood named CAPPONT on the left side of the Segre River.
The school was created in 1981. On that dates CAPPONT began to grow and lots of buildings were built. Young families with children came to live here and the neighborhood was getting bigger and bigger.


In Cappont there are three schools, lots of shops, terraces bars... the University of Lleida is also located in Cappont near the school.

There are many places to visit for exemple: ``The Elisis Park´´ with a big variety of trees and flowers. There are also many exhibitions and parties that take place in this park because is very big.

The streets are long and full of people walking from here to there.


Near our school there are urban sculptures that remind famous people. The nearest is the bust of Martina Castells made of iron. She was the first Lleida's doctor woman.

Another important sculpture is the one of Juli César made of stones. Juli Cesar was a famous roman warrior that fighted in the city against Rompeu.

Finally from Cappont we can¨t see the most beautiful Lleida monument: the Seu Vella.